Judicial Statement of Financial Disclosures

Each Nevada justice, district court judge, limited jurisdiction judge, municipal court judge, senior justice, senior judge, and all judicial candidates are required to file the Judicial Statement of Financial Disclosure. These statements are filed with the State Court Administrator at the Administrative Office of the Courts.

File Financial Disclosures

The “Judicial Statement of Financial Disclosure” is to be filed as a public document with the State Court Administrator at the Administrative Office of the Courts. Additional information regarding the filing of the disclosure form may be found in the Revised Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct and NRS 281.561 and 281.571.

Each justice, judge, and senior judge is required to file this statement on or before March 31st for the preceding calendar year of a judge’s term.

A candidate for judicial office is to file this statement no later than the 10th day after the last day to qualify as a candidate for the office.

The Judicial Statement of Financial Disclosure is available as an electronic form. Access the Judicial Statement of Financial Disclosure form.

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Contribution & Expense Report

The “Contribution & Expense Report” is a separate form and is to be filed with the Secretary of State Office. Contributions and Expenses reports and Financial Disclosure Statements can be filed with the Elections Division through the Secretary of State's Aurora Campaign Finance Disclosure system.